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Tigers drop home opener

Tigers drop home opener

Georgetown College baseball had its home-opener of the 2020 season Tuesday, hosting Asbury University. All was going well on the overcast day until the Eagles used a four-run fourth to grab control.

The visitors started the inning with a walk. An error on a fielder's choice opened the flood gates and three hits later when the dust settled on a ground out, AU led 6-4. Asbury added an insurance run in the fifth and four more in the eighth for the 11-4 win.

GC's offense exploded out of the gates with four runs in the first inning, all with two outs. Randall Schab walked with an out, stole second and reached third on an error. However, when Ryan Gaynor struck out it looked as though the home team might strand a runner.

Jonathan Duarte delivered a single to score Schab and tie the game. A couple of singles, a couple of errors and a walk later had the Tigers up 4-1.

The Eagles got a run back in the top of the second and the third was scoreless for both teams. It was all Asbury from there.

Georgetown is back in action 2 pm Friday at Truett-McConnell College. It is a three-game series in Georgia. The doubleheader will be played Saturday with a scheduled start time of noon.